HQ reports – Caitlan,Vexandra and Vexarys have not reported since departing on their investigation concerning the sighting of Zaiden. They confirmed their arrival to the area of the Academic Bureau/Ferry Building vicinity but have not responded since. CCO Q has expressed concern. Further action is under consideration. Bung reported to HQ that sources close to Credible aka Stret Cred informed him that Marshalls have detained Stret Cred. It appears Prota may be more aware of the Murks than had been anticipated. This has been noted as a “high priority”. Bung also stated, Rymsters latest rhyme has intel regarding Prota’s activities. More on
that once Zarac and he finalize their analysis. Vegaia’s tracker is operational but no signal from the storage device has been detected. In all probability this is due to the fact the device has not been activated. Speculation on where Zaiden may be and if he still has the device are under discussion. All Murks are being advised to keep their coms on.
Category: Communiqué
Sept 21, 2023: Communiqué:
HQ is full of activity. Here are some of the updates. Vegaia is working on a tracking device that could detect the location of the portable drive when activated. With the aid of GPS it would be possible to pin point its location. Stret Cred informed HQ that his sources reported a sighting of Zaiden in the vicinity of the Academic Research Bureau near the Ferry Building on the wharf. Murks have been dispatched to investigate. Zarac and Striker Bung have decoded the Rymster’s latest rhyme, the results of which we should be receiving shortly.
Sept 20, 2023: Murks Insignia Badge
Murks Insignia Badge. Forged in Technetium it is more than just a symbol. It is endowed with “other world” powers. A resource unique to Murks, called upon in times of need, like the samurai’s sword, the Jedi‘s lightsaber, it is a Defender.

Sept 19, 2023: Communiqué:
Bsider, Switch, informed HQ the item we are looking for is an AI ultra high tech storage device. A quantum leap in data storage. Aileo Vegaia confirmed it is the Law of 7 technology and has the ability to store a zettabyte of data. That’s more than a billion terabytes. It’s portable, octagon shaped and no bigger than an average tablet. Switch was not sure what is on it but from conversations with fellow renegades, as he put it “it’s a game changer”. Switch stated, Bsider Zaiden escaped with the device the night of the raid and hasn’t been heard from since. It is not clear how much Prota knows but HQ assumes since Marshall’s maintain a guard presence on site Prota is unsure if the device is still hidden somewhere in or around the warehouse. It remains unclear if Prota is aware of what is on the device. CC0 Q has made this, Operation Blindside a top priority.
Sept 18, 2023: Communiqué:
The Pr1m0s Squad reported to HQ the results of their investigation yesterday. They located the warehouse in the vicinity of 14th and Folsom street. Marshalls were still
present at the site, indicating what was left behind by Broadsiders has not been found. Aileo Vector entered the warehouse while members of the Squad distracted the Marshalls. Debris and destruction from the raid was present everywhere, except the DJ booth. It had been strategically tossed indicating this was more than likely the gathering spot for the Broadside renegades and the location of the item in question. Spotters in the neighborhood reported the presence of the Squad to Broadsiders. Broadsider “Switch” has made first contact with Quanta. More to follow.
Sept. 17, 2023: Communiqué:
Rymster has sent the following : “3-D bass in your face pulsates while you escape Cheating fate, the establishment hates keepers of the new gate Swirl round ear to ground Renegades brave, Broadsiders Rave, n Prota misbehaves yea . . . the rustle, the bustle, . . .is it a hustle?” Scrubs are working remotely to decipher the message.
Sept 17, 2023: Briefing:
The recently formed Pr1m0s Squad has volunteered to undertake the mission of locating and investigating the former Broadsider Rave Warehouse. HQ has received some additional information from Broadsiders to assist in locating the warehouse. Here’s what we have: Using the District 9 map provided by HQ it has been determined the warehouse is located in the upper NorthEast section of the map somewhere in the vicinity of section 7902, 7904, 7905 on and around Folsom Street. These additional graffiti landmarks have been sent to HQ by Broadsiders. The warehouse is located on the corner where these graffiti postings are located. The mission is to: 1- find the corner intersection where the warehouse is located and report the finding (the street names at the intersection). 2- investigate the warehouse to find what was left behind by Broadsiders. All we know is it’s small and portable, that’s all they could tell us. Recommended: use GPS street view such as google maps. Report back to HQ with your
Sept 13, 2023: Communique’:
HQ has received info from Broadsiders regarding the rave warehouse. They have confirmed it is located in SF’s 9th District https://sfbos.org/sites/default/files/FileCenter/Documents/33414-district09_map_lg.pdf… They can not return, Marshalls have a seize and arrest order should they be seen in or around the warehouse. They have confirmed vital intel is hidden in the building. It was not just a rave site. HQ needs 4 volunteer murks to locate the warehouse. Stage a search and recover mission. More to follow in a briefing.
Sept 11, 2023: Communique’:
Strikers have begun to arrive at HQ. Their direct involvement is forthcoming. Find them at http://opensea.io/collection/murks-1… Operation: “dreams/suenos” has concluded with the discovery of RF usage as a means to transfer data. Scrubs have assured HQ this important piece of intel will prove to be beneficial in the coming weeks. HQ will have an update on the next course of action as Broadsiders are beginning to interact with Quanta.
Sept 9, 2023: Communique’:
HQ has determined Vexandra’s suggestion on bandwidth to be correct. Scrubs have found a low frequency transmission emanating at 98.1 MHz. It is subliminal, hidden in the broadcast. Scrubs are working on deciphering the code. More concerning is the use of the microwave portion of the bandwidth spectrum. Microwaves can carry large quantities of data, faster, in the form of direct wireless transmission making it an ideal carrier for 3D files and more. It’s confirmed it’s being used. What’s being transmitted is yet unknown. Vexandra’s hunch has proven to be very resourceful, good work!