The attached image was one of several downloaded from the Aerial Bot. The bot confirmed it to be the civilian held in detention. With the use of facial recognition Scrubs were able to make a positive ID. It is Credible aka Stret CreD. The bot confirmed he was being interrogated at the time.
Striker bots both Aerial & Terra have proven to be very resourceful in Operation Stinger. The second Aerial Bot has just returned. Scrubs are currently engaged in a debriefing session. HQ is asking all bot holders to initiate the cerebral link, a key feature to bots. This will provide an exclusive connection between the two. In the event of a compromise the fail safe precaution can be initiated by either. All data is immediately transferred to the nearest satellite where it pings and is captured by the HQ Com Center. A thermal burst is immediately activated purging all data in the bot (see the attached image for a demonstration).
HQ is asking all holders to name their bot. Specify Aerial or Terra and provide the name with the assigned murk. This information can be provided in the encrypted discord channel recently developed by HQ.
The aerial bot informed headquarters of its observations. Enigma instructed him to enter the underground bunker along with the Terra Bot. They were told to document all they encountered. The bot confirmed that Freddo and Vector had been hit in the firefight, status unknown. Scrubs have deciphered the code and downloaded visual intel. The Terra Bot engaged hostel forces and remained after the Aerial Bot departed. HQ will share the data retrieved, incrementally, commencing with the following which the bot informed HQ was a production line of new androids. Marshals were present guarding the production. Aileos and Scrubs are analyzing the meaning of this discovery.
HQ has been extracting data from the aerial bot. It has been an arduous process as the data has been embedded using Malbolge coding. This level of coding is only used when the highest concern for data security is needed. There is an abundance of information. The first of which is provided herein. Scrubs have arrived at HQ. They have employed a sophisticated form of biometric scanning of their own design. They have located the team with a number of others present in the squadron. An extraction maneuver is underway. More coming shortly. Standby.
Operation Stinger deployed at 0400 hours yesterday as scheduled. Details on the status are a bit sketchy as communications in and around the area are jammed. We received a transmission at 0500 hours from an aerial bot designating the location from above. There has been no other communication from the team. However one of the aerial bots returned to HQ with encoded data. Scrubs are working remotely to extract the intel. Standby for updates.
The debrief session with the search and rescue team has provided the possible location of Murks, Caitlan, Vexandra and Vexarys. They still have not reported since departing on their investigation concerning the sighting of Zaiden. Broadsiders told the S&R team they witnessed Marshall’s transporting 3 Murks to the Presidio where they entered an underground facility through an abandoned guard house. Broadsiders confirmed the facility to be a detention hold unknown to Prota. Who operates the facility remains a mystery. Strikers are mobilizing an extraction team. This will be an armed operation. Aerial bots and Terra bots will accompany the team. All will carry the Aileos latest tech blaster based on advanced neutron science and 3D Bass percussion grenades.
CCO Q further stated the surveillance drone sent out last week has returned with data and visuals including both interior and exterior observations of the building Zaiden’s ping emanated from on Treasure Island. His presence was not detected. More to follow as Aileos and Scrubs analyze the data.
Much has transpired in the last 24 hours. The following updates are what we know. 1-the ominous image retrieved from Prota’s files is code name “Riot”. His allegiance and purpose remains unknown. Further investigation is underway. 2- Broadsiders have confirmed, the information left behind during the raid on the warehouse is advanced tech on an alternative energy source that would revolutionize how individuals could access energy. 3. Broadsiders confirmed for HQ the warehouse to be located in the northern section of SF’s 9th district recognizable by the following tag. Refer to the map provided by HQ.
HQ has determined the reference to the band in the Rymster’s communique’ “the hack is hidden in the Band, – Bam Boom Bam the bass beat lands, and . . . the question is . . . Who’s in the band?” does not refer to a group of musicians but rather, a bandwidth, as in frequency or signal. The investigation is ongoing.
Broadsiders have been in the news these past few days with gatherings and protests in small pockets all over the city. They’ve been rallying over some milestone achievement that will aid the cause. Marshalls have been dispatched to patrol with orders to engage and arrest if necessary.
The large presence of Marshalls caused the Murk search and rescue team to be exposed. They were accosted on Maiden Lane in San Francisco following a lead given to them by a Broadsider. Rook ordered them arrested and brought in for questioning. On route, the transporter carrying the Murks was involved in an accident after running over a nail track laid down in its path. The lead and follow vehicles were also disabled. The ensuing confrontation left most Marshall’s destroyed or fleeing the scene. Murks, bruised and disoriented, managed to escape after Azylor deactivated the electronic merge and bind cuffs. No sign of anyone or anything was evident to reveal what happened. The description of the assailant given by one matched that of Riot. . . More after the debriefing
HQ has confirmed, Caitlin, Vexandra and Vexarys are missing in action. A search and rescue team is being dispatched. They have clearance to do whatever it takes to secure their safety.
Rymsters latest rhyme has revealed the following. He stated: “Renegades brave, Broadsiders Rave, n Prota misbehaves yea . . . the rustle, the bustle, . . .is it a hustle?” This informed us Prota has been aware all along of the Broadsiders covert actions, including the Murks offering their services, Prota, as the saying goes, has been playing “dumb like a fox”. It was learned that AI has been the primary supplier of their strategy. Fortunately Aileos are highly adept in this area.
A brief ping was received from the storage device. It was faint and abrupt. It emanated from the Treasure Island area. A former military site located in the San Francisco bay with a number of abandoned buildings. HQ has released a drone to perform surveillance.
‼️ Prota helicopters spotted in San Francisco skies Yesterday, residents in San Francisco were taken aback as impressive Prota aircraft gracefully traversed the suburban skies. This was undoubtedly an unusual occurrence, and it’s quite typical to feel a sense of concern when these unexpected sights unfold. It’s worth mentioning that when it comes to VH-92 Patriot helicopters, their distinctive noise often precedes their visual appearance. The purpose of this display is yet to be determined. Update: these vehicles are autonomously operated.