Oct. 18, 2023: Briefing:

The Aerial Bot told Scrubs it witnessed far more than just the android production line. The facility is a vast underground center, a control center with multiple sections. It is not operated by Prota. Marshals present at the facility have been reprogrammed and are not operating under Prota’s command. Who controls them is yet unknown. HQ is releasing a series of images captured by the bot, incoming shortly. Scrubs have communicated with the bot to develop an understanding of the images.

It has been confirmed – three murks, Caitlan,

Vexandra and Vexarys, five Broadsiders and one unidentified civilian were being held in detention.

The first image attached here, appears to be a data control center. Aileos and Scrubs are probing the bot file of the image.

Sept 17, 2023: Briefing:

The recently formed Pr1m0s Squad has volunteered to undertake the mission of locating and investigating the former Broadsider Rave Warehouse. HQ has received some additional information from Broadsiders to assist in locating the warehouse. Here’s what we have: Using the District 9 map provided by HQ it has been determined the warehouse is located in the upper NorthEast section of the map somewhere in the vicinity of section 7902, 7904, 7905 on and around Folsom Street. These additional graffiti landmarks have been sent to HQ by Broadsiders. The warehouse is located on the corner where these graffiti postings are located. The mission is to: 1- find the corner intersection where the warehouse is located and report the finding (the street names at the intersection). 2- investigate the warehouse to find what was left behind by Broadsiders. All we know is it’s small and portable, that’s all they could tell us. Recommended: use GPS street view such as google maps. Report back to HQ with your

Sept 9, 2023: Briefing:

Scrubs, working remote, have exhumed more data from the files of Prota’s abandoned server, including the following images. Rymster and his/him partner Credible aka Stret
Cred have confirmed this to be a former Broadsider rave warehouse that was raided by Marshall’s and destroyed. Why is still a question.

Also, this image of an unidentified entity was discovered. No information has yet surfaced on who or what this is.

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