History of Aileos

Aileos hale from the planet Ailian located in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Their travels to planet earth have been taking place since the dawn of humankind. Their purpose has always and only been to observe and monitor behavior. In the early part of the 20th century they realized the potential of catastrophic consequences facing humans from their evolving technological advancements. To provide stewardship without intervention the occupation began, whereby they maintained a more permanent presence amongst humans to intercede and provide guidance when and where possible.
In this capacity they remained elusive, undetectable, operating in the shadows by utilizing various deceptive capabilities. However by the beginning of the 21st century an advanced directive was initiated to take a more aggressive participation in human affairs.The exponential growth of technology coupled with an authoritarian political ideology brought about social strife. As the abuse of human and natural resources grew, environmental neglect became rampant, disasters were brought about by climate change resulting in limited natural resources. The reduction of commodities created shortages requiring rationing. Homelessness became rampant. Housing shortages created uprisings. This provided the opportunity for corporate dominance to step in and administer control. Politics and the rule of law became subordinate to corporate goals. Pockets of rebellion broke out all over the world forcing greater control through militaristic means. It was during this time that Aileos began to appear in the general population. Disguised as murks it was easy for them to blend in offering their services to various rebel organizations.

As an offset to the demand for limited natural resources the development of AI and hyper replication emerged. By 2030 it was on line and corporate dominance over everything became the standard through their control of AI, replicator hardware and software, 3D printing and the proprietary rights over files needed to print anything and everything.

However, a new problem arose, the necessity for large amounts of energy to power the new model of supply and demand. Energy became the most valued resource. Rationing was instituted. The new battle cry became FREE ENERGY! The need for a centralized corporate entity became eminent. One corporation rose to the top, consolidated all into one, PROTA.

The Resistance’s new arch enemy!
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