Oct. 29,2023: Communiqué:

Zaiden was located on the UC campus but fled when Nyxx approached. His lack of familiarity with murks frightened him. Elyxx followed in pursuit. He cornered Zaiden and convinced him to trust them. Campus police intervened believing there was a problem. What happened next was alarming. Androids similar to the ones observed on the production line in the Presidio bunker appeared. A confrontation ensued. HQ witnessed in real time the course of events. Nyxx and Elyxx were overcome, Zaiden tried to escape but was held back by Blaze who arrived. Elyxx motioned all to take cover and released a 3D Bass grenade. Campus police dropped their weapons and covered their ears to no avail. They were incapacitated. The androids reaction was noteworthy; they froze and remained completely immobilized. The sound produced a fail safe shut down. Murks and Elyxx shuttled Zaiden to safety where they await a transporter to bring Zaiden to HQ. The storage device is intact.

3D Bass blast at the moment of detonation.

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