Nov. 26, 2023: Communiqué:

HQ has obtained intel on ZYPHR CORP. The company is privately owned by a consortium of Globalists based in Dubai. No financial or administrative information is available. However, Scrubs have discovered links to the dark web, crypto currency and the laundering of dark money through subsidiary sources. ZYPHR is a force not to be reckoned with as their resources are vast, both politically and financially. Members of the Quanta have worked indirectly for ZYPHR in the past and have attested to the power and influence the company wields. However, there are signs of trepidation, not from Prota, but some other unknown entity.



Nov. 16, 2023: Communiqué:

On Sept 25th 2 Patriot helicopters were observed in the air space above San Francisco. These vehicles are autonomous guided aircraft. An unusual occurrence since aircraft of this nature is reserved for military and government use only. Moreover, these are autonomous guided aircraft. HQ reported the event. It was presumed Prota had somehow commissioned their use. This is incorrect. We have determined through data on the Zaiden storage device the occupants to be the founders of Zypher Corp. A corporation of which little is known. The final destination was Woodside CA. A small hamlet town located in the San Mateo hills, adjacent to Silicon Valley. The owner of the estate the helo’s landed on is also unknown.

Data gathered from the files on the abandoned Prota server and the Zaiden storage device has led us to believe Zypher is a rival corp seeking to undermine Prota.

There also appears to be a third element involved in this quest for dominance.

What was the purpose of this event? Scrubs are in the process of extracting more data.

A course of action is underway.

Nov. 6, 2023: Communiqué:

More data from the Zaiden server has only solidified the overwhelming importance of its contents.

The following is a brief description of a model with all the supporting science, physical integration and prototypes that validate it from proof of concept to proof of product.

In essence it is a model based on bio-sustainability. It reveals how bio resources can be used as the raw material necessary to build material objects. In essence, materials like industrial hemp, bamboo, palm fronds, banana leafs, are building blocks, to name a few. Example: industrial hemp has a greater tensile strength than carbon fiber and it is UV and saltwater resistant. Binding agents like the dregs from corn syrup and the secretions of the tiny water bacterium Caulobacter Crescentus produces one of the stickiest substances on earth. Its adhesive force is 5 tons per sq. inch!

The model shows that by using these kinds of bio raw materials we can provide eco-friendly 3D printing! This will ultimately produce products that are 100% recyclable. The concept of growing material for the construct of material objects is profound. Material that when it loses its resource can be used as compost to create the next generation of raw material. Product production is now based on the cycle of life. The model is now circular, not linear.

There is more, much more, including the reveal of an alternate force at play that is not Prota. HQ is planning a movement to determine who or what this is. Standby . .

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