Zaiden and all Murks including Terra Bot Elyxx have returned safely. Elyxx was commended for actions taken which saved the team. Zaiden was the first to arrive via transport which has allowed Scrubs sometime to examine the data on the storage device. What has been discovered is revolutionary! It will forever change the course of humanity. The following data, in extreme detail, is present.
1- The science necessary to produce a photovoltaic fabric that can be weaved into anything that is currently fabric based. Clothing, upholstery, rugs, drapes, anything imaginable that is made of fabric can now have the ability to acquire and generate energy.
2. Scalable energy collector/storage units, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several meters in circumference. They can be made into anything from wearables to permanent structures.
3. Files for the production of high speed 3D printers that are printable by 3D printers. Self replicating.
4. The most important science of all; the energy is wirelessly transmitted! Energy is sheathed, transmitted on RF and Microwave bandwidth frequencies allowing anyone, anywhere to access Free Energy!
There is much more. Stand by for future updates.
Month: October 2023
Oct. 29,2023: Communiqué:
Zaiden was located on the UC campus but fled when Nyxx approached. His lack of familiarity with murks frightened him. Elyxx followed in pursuit. He cornered Zaiden and convinced him to trust them. Campus police intervened believing there was a problem. What happened next was alarming. Androids similar to the ones observed on the production line in the Presidio bunker appeared. A confrontation ensued. HQ witnessed in real time the course of events. Nyxx and Elyxx were overcome, Zaiden tried to escape but was held back by Blaze who arrived. Elyxx motioned all to take cover and released a 3D Bass grenade. Campus police dropped their weapons and covered their ears to no avail. They were incapacitated. The androids reaction was noteworthy; they froze and remained completely immobilized. The sound produced a fail safe shut down. Murks and Elyxx shuttled Zaiden to safety where they await a transporter to bring Zaiden to HQ. The storage device is intact.
3D Bass blast at the moment of detonation.
Oct. 23, 2023: Communiqué:
The extraction team has returned all Murks safely. Caitlan, Vexandra & Vexarys along with all mission bots are reporting what they witnessed. Freddo and Vector’s injuries are minor they will make a full recovery. Bots have images of events recorded while in the bunker. The first of which is attached.
Credible was escorted to the Marina District where he blended in with tourists and residents on Chestnut St. He will make his way back to the general populace from there.
This first image is that of an Enforcer who from all reports is believed to be the entity responsible for interrogation.
What we do know is this is a well organized movement unassociated with Prota. Who this organization is remains unknown. Discovery is top priority.
This image is a headshot of the Enforcer.
This faint image of a figure appearing from the shadows remains a mystery. It is believed to be Riot. He aided the defense of murks and vanished
Oct. 21, 2023: Communiqué: ALERT❗️
Scrubs have detected an electronic signature matching that of the storage device Broadsider Zaiden has in his position. It pinged from the campus of UC Berkeley in the area of the original cyclotron built in 1930 by Ernest Lawrence, who later founded Lawrence Livermore Labs. A facility where key research for the Manhattan Project was performed. And in 1936 the first artificial element (technetium) was created. It was a trace signature of technetium that drew Scrubs to the area as technetium is a component present in the murks insignia badge. The device was detected in close proximity to the signature. Scrubs are getting a GPS track on the device and hopefully Zaiden. They are performing a remote hack on the device. Hopefully we will have details on its content and a possible rescue of Zaiden.
Oct. 20, 2032: Communiqué:
The following communication was just received from Enigma. An extraction team has been deployed. They’ll be returning to HQ shortly.
Oct. 19, 2023: Communiqué:
The attached image was one of several downloaded from the Aerial Bot. The bot confirmed it to be the civilian held in detention. With the use of facial recognition Scrubs were able to make a positive ID. It is Credible aka Stret CreD. The bot confirmed he was being interrogated at the time.
Oct. 19, 2023: HQ Notice:
Striker bots both Aerial & Terra have proven to be very resourceful in Operation Stinger. The second Aerial Bot has just returned. Scrubs are currently engaged in a debriefing session. HQ is asking all bot holders to initiate the cerebral link, a key feature to bots. This will provide an exclusive connection between the two. In the event of a compromise the fail safe precaution can be initiated by either. All data is immediately transferred to the nearest satellite where it pings and is captured by the HQ Com Center. A thermal burst is immediately activated purging all data in the bot (see the attached image for a demonstration).
HQ is asking all holders to name their bot. Specify Aerial or Terra and provide the name with the assigned murk. This information can be provided in the encrypted discord channel recently developed by HQ.
Oct. 18, 2023: Briefing:
The Aerial Bot told Scrubs it witnessed far more than just the android production line. The facility is a vast underground center, a control center with multiple sections. It is not operated by Prota. Marshals present at the facility have been reprogrammed and are not operating under Prota’s command. Who controls them is yet unknown. HQ is releasing a series of images captured by the bot, incoming shortly. Scrubs have communicated with the bot to develop an understanding of the images.
It has been confirmed – three murks, Caitlan,
Vexandra and Vexarys, five Broadsiders and one unidentified civilian were being held in detention.
The first image attached here, appears to be a data control center. Aileos and Scrubs are probing the bot file of the image.
Oct, 18, 2023: Announcement:
“CCO Q here, I want to welcome all the murks who have arrived making The Quanta complete. It’s good to have all on point. Make no mistake, we have our work cut out for us, but united our collective skills are a formidable force. Currently, we have fellow murks down in the field. Bringing them home is our main priority. But discovery has revealed we have far greater challenges confronting us. HQ will be briefing all on what we know.
Remember, together we are a living, breathing organism and when we shed cells they propagate into resistance, one to reckon with.
Carry your insignia badge at all times. Remain vigilant.”
Oct. 17, 2023: Communiqué: Follow up
The aerial bot informed headquarters of its observations. Enigma instructed him to enter the underground bunker along with the Terra Bot. They were told to document all they encountered. The bot confirmed that Freddo and Vector had been hit in the firefight, status unknown. Scrubs have deciphered the code and downloaded visual intel. The Terra Bot engaged hostel forces and remained after the Aerial Bot departed. HQ will share the data retrieved, incrementally, commencing with the following which the bot informed HQ was a production line of new androids. Marshals were present guarding the production. Aileos and Scrubs are analyzing the meaning of this discovery.