HQ has determined Vexandra’s suggestion on bandwidth to be correct. Scrubs have found a low frequency transmission emanating at 98.1 MHz. It is subliminal, hidden in the broadcast. Scrubs are working on deciphering the code. More concerning is the use of the microwave portion of the bandwidth spectrum. Microwaves can carry large quantities of data, faster, in the form of direct wireless transmission making it an ideal carrier for 3D files and more. It’s confirmed it’s being used. What’s being transmitted is yet unknown. Vexandra’s hunch has proven to be very resourceful, good work!
Month: September 2023
Sept 9, 2023: Briefing:
Scrubs, working remote, have exhumed more data from the files of Prota’s abandoned server, including the following images. Rymster and his/him partner Credible aka Stret
Cred have confirmed this to be a former Broadsider rave warehouse that was raided by Marshall’s and destroyed. Why is still a question.
Also, this image of an unidentified entity was discovered. No information has yet surfaced on who or what this is.
Sept 9, 2023: Communique’:
HQ has determined the reference to the band in the Rymster’s communique’ “the hack is hidden in the Band, – Bam Boom Bam the bass beat lands, and . . . the question is . . . Who’s in the band?” does not refer to a group of musicians” but rather, a bandwidth, as in frequency or signal. The investigation is ongoing.
Sept 8, 2023: Communique’: Aileo Vexandrea wrote
I was thinking 92.7 MHz is one of 100 possible bands in the FM radio spectrum?
Sept 5, 2023: HQ released on 9/5/23 the following list of communique’s:
Has Persona Parlors files been hacked ? Could it be the rogue facet detected by the murks? Is it possible it’s not Prota but made to appear as if it is Prota? Operation, code name: “sueños” – is currently being organized. HQ is looking to recruit Aileos, Vector, Zarac and Vegaia. confirmation and briefing to follow. HQ has reason to believe the rogue facet inside Prota is pro Broadsiders not an opposition force. However, that remains to be confirmed. Persona Parlors gear could be being used to camouflage rogue members. Alternatively, this could be a ruse by AI to flush out Broadsiders. This is not a mission of engagement. Its main purpose is to gather intel for analysis.
The following communique’ was received from Rymster, a Striker asset in the field. “Track the scam, watch the Bam, the Invisible Hand, Share Car Clan, Bubble Kitch-AN! Marshall’s scan, blasters in hand, the hack is hidden in the Band, – Bam Boom Bam the bass beat lands, and . . . the question is . . . Who’s in the band? This is currently being deciphered. Stand by for updates.
Prota deleted data
9/1/23 Quanta has confirmed the “Otherworld” com center is online. Scrubs and Aileos have been retrieving deleted data from Prota servers, data that was meant to be burned . . . standby for incoming intel.
9/1/23 Follow up to this mornings notice. Intel has gradually come in as Scrubs decipher the heavily coded data. What has been discovered; apparently a rogue facet has developed inside Prota . CEO Sam Kore is unaware of this movement. Who is behind it? Rook? Marshall’s? What’s its purpose? All remains unknown. A covert ops mission is being organized to investigate. More details are forth coming.
Sept. 1 ,2023: Follow up to this morning’s notice.
Intel has gradually come in as Scrubs decipher the heavily coded data. What has been discovered; apparently a rogue facet has developed inside Prota. CEO Sam Kore is unaware of this movement. Who is behind it? Rook? Marshall’s? What’s its purpose? All remain unknown. A covert ops mission is being organized to investigate. More details are forthcoming.
Sept 1, 2023: Communiqué:
Quanta HQ has confirmed the “Otherworld” comm center is online. Scrubs and Aileos have been retrieving deleted data from Prota servers, data that was meant to be burned. . . standby for incoming intel.