Sept 23, 2023: Communiqué:

HQ reports – Caitlan,Vexandra and Vexarys have not reported since departing on their investigation concerning the sighting of Zaiden. They confirmed their arrival to the area of the Academic Bureau/Ferry Building vicinity but have not responded since. CCO Q has expressed concern. Further action is under consideration. Bung reported to HQ that sources close to Credible aka Stret Cred informed him that Marshalls have detained Stret Cred. It appears Prota may be more aware of the Murks than had been anticipated. This has been noted as a “high priority”. Bung also stated, Rymsters latest rhyme has intel regarding Prota’s activities. More on
that once Zarac and he finalize their analysis. Vegaia’s tracker is operational but no signal from the storage device has been detected. In all probability this is due to the fact the device has not been activated. Speculation on where Zaiden may be and if he still has the device are under discussion. All Murks are being advised to keep their coms on.

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