Sept 5, 2023: HQ released on 9/5/23 the following list of communique’s:

Has Persona Parlors files been hacked ? Could it be the rogue facet detected by the murks? Is it possible it’s not Prota but made to appear as if it is Prota? Operation, code name: “sueños” – is currently being organized. HQ is looking to recruit Aileos, Vector, Zarac and Vegaia. confirmation and briefing to follow. HQ has reason to believe the rogue facet inside Prota is pro Broadsiders not an opposition force. However, that remains to be confirmed. Persona Parlors gear could be being used to camouflage rogue members. Alternatively, this could be a ruse by AI to flush out Broadsiders. This is not a mission of engagement. Its main purpose is to gather intel for analysis.
The following communique’ was received from Rymster, a Striker asset in the field. “Track the scam, watch the Bam, the Invisible Hand, Share Car Clan, Bubble Kitch-AN! Marshall’s scan, blasters in hand, the hack is hidden in the Band, – Bam Boom Bam the bass beat lands, and . . . the question is . . . Who’s in the band? This is currently being deciphered. Stand by for updates.

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