In the dystopian world of Prota we find Broadsiders at a disadvantage. Regardless of the amount of material, 3D printed or otherwise, their knowledge and expertise to utilize their defenses and develop strategies of engagement is limited. Their guerilla style skirmishes while beneficial in the short term only makes them more vulnerable long term as Prota’s AI quickly adapts.
To the aid of Broadsiders has come a group of 180 independent special forces known as Murks. They have formed The Quanta, a collective of seasoned professionals uniquely specialized. Their primary objective is to provide the full scope of their resources to aid the Broadside alliance. Their services are pro bono, they believe in the cause, and their individual learned skills from the many years of involvement in dark ops has made each a force to reckon with. But when combined, their cumulative abilities become exponential. There are five categories of specialization consisting of 36 members in each category. Each individual member has been vetted for their exemplary abilities in their area of specialization. Their relentless defiance to overcome adversarial circumstances has made each a unique combatant.
THE 180
Specialize in, thought distortion, mind meld, no one escapes a clip
Specialize in, covert intervention, search and destroy
Specialize in, breaking and entering, first line of defense, impenetrable
Specialize in, defense against weaponized autonomous AI
Specialize in, data extraction a.k.a. hacking, unstoppable
The 180 as they are referred to are similar to other forces of resistance throughout history. Like the 300 Spartans, or the 47 Ronin, Murks the 180 are a force for Prota to contend with..